Investments are managed to meet risk and reward objectives which are agreed at the outset. Initial discussions also seek to establish the preferred strategic allocation of assets between the various investable classes such as cash, fixed interest, equities and property.

We are able to manage client assets held through ISA, offshore bonds, trusts, SIPP and other pension vehicles as well as directly owned investments.

The service includes:
  • Quarterly or half-yearly reports containing a valuation, performance statistics, income and transaction schedules, a financial overview and details of charges incurred.
  • Annual CGT statement
  • Secure online access to your portfolio
  • Meeting with the investment manager, held at least once a year
  • Direct access to the investment manager when required
  • Regular verbal or written communication
  • Collection and distribution of income as directed
  • Custody of assets with BNY Pershing, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation


We provide a discretionary management service to our clients. Portfolios are managed on a day to day basis within an agreed investment strategy.

The investment strategy for clients is determined at the outset after evaluating attitudes to risk and return, investment experience and expected long term prospects for asset classes. The agreed strategy forms the framework around which investment portfolios are constructed.

Our service is bespoke. Client investments are maintained in single segregated portfolios, individually designed according to identified investment objectives.

Direct access to the investment manager is encouraged. As a result, managers are limited to looking after no more than 60 clients.

One of our principal aims is to build long term relationships with our clients. Ideally our clients have a minimum time horizon of three years for their investment portfolio.

Mosaic Money Management is an active investment manager. We do not aim to track benchmarks but rather seek out investment opportunities where we believe higher returns are achievable.

Our investment process is designed to add value at both the asset allocation and stock selection levels. Investment positions are taken with time horizons measured in years, not days or weeks.

We invest directly in financial markets or through pooled funds, depending on portfolio size and client disposition.

Security of client assets is paramount. BNY Pershing acts as custodian for client assets. BNY Pershing is part of the BNY group, one of the largest global custodians and a member of the London Stock Exchange, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Mosaic Money Management is an active investment manager seeking to add value both through asset allocation and stock selection. We do not rigidly adhere to one particular investment style believing that clients' interests are best served by varying our approach to suit prevailing market conditions.

Based on our experience gained over the last thirty years we have developed a straightforward and effective process to enable us to deliver a consistent investment management service. The flow chart below sets out the important stages.

Investment Process
Issued by Mosaic Money Management. Mosaic Money Management is a trade name of Raymond James Investment Services Ltd (Raymond James) utilised under exclusive licence. Raymond James is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3779657. Registered Office Ropemaker Place, 25 Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9LY.
Raymond James